Watch for the Lake Turnover Process!

Did you know the lakes on the Chain "Turn Over" as the water temperature drops?

Our board member, Steve Weeres, shares his interesting insights from working with the board's lake level data portal that displays both lake level and water temperature.

"Now is a time to watch the lake water/ice temperature as the cold weather settles in. The lake will cool to 39 degrees and hold at that temperature while the lake "turns over." 

This process flips the temperature profile from the summer profile with the warmer water at the surface to the winter profile with the cooler water at the surface. Once that is complete, the water will cool to 32-33 degrees, and when the lake freezes, the temperature will be 32 degrees or colder. Once the ice forms on the surface, the LAKESCOUT measures the ice’s temperature. The colder the ice temperature, the faster the ice will form and thicken."

Thank you, Steve, as these fascinating points demonstrate all of our love of the Chain.


Calling all Lake Enthusiasts!


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