2024 SRCL Admin 2024 SRCL Admin

An update on weed control. 

An update on weed control efforts.

Thank you to all who attended the Annual Meeting and were part of the discussion on how we can band together to enjoy the lakes as we know them, while also battling the weed issue present from many factors. 

Attached you'll see an assessment from our partners at Limnpro, where they applied a couple of different rates of 2, 4D to treat HWM along with ProcellaCOR. The assessment shows that 2, 4D worked, so we will move ahead with looking at the cost of 2,4D vs ProcellaCOR in treating the areas approved on Cedar Island and Zumwalde.

This type of research is running in parallel to the harvesting in the areas that we've shared recently, including Becker Lake and Zumwalde. 

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2024 SRCL Admin 2024 SRCL Admin

Mechanical Weed Removal Continues

Look at those weeds!

Can you believe this came out of Becker Lake's recent weed harvest? Look at those piles, they are 5 Feet HIGH! Thank you, WeedsUp for removing curly-leaf pondweed from Becker Lake! Why Becker Lake? It's one of the few lakes where the SRCLA was approved for a permit for mechanical weed removal.
Random fact time - Becker Lake is the only lake designated an "Environmental Lake" so no chemicals can be used.

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2024 SRCL Admin 2024 SRCL Admin

Response to Weeds on the Chain

Message from Association President, Brad Matuska.

Our members concerns, are our concerns.  Listen to Association President, Brad Matuska, as he provides insight into weed growth being seen in areas of the Chain, as well as what has been done and what can be done.

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