2024 SRCL Admin 2024 SRCL Admin

Notice of Public Meeting

Public Meeting regarding Channel Catfish Regulations.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  The experimental channel catfish regulation currently on the chain as well as Long, North Brown’s, Eden, and Mud/Vail’s lakes will be up for review this fall.    

Channel Catfish: The current Possession limit is 10 of which only one fish over 24" is allowed in possession.  This limit is being considered to decrease back to state possession limit of five.  

Interested parties can make comments on the regulation here FAW Public Input | Engage with DNR | Minnesota Department of Natural Resources  or attend the public input meeting which will be held Tuesday September 10 from 6 pm – 7 pm at the Richmond City Hall, 45 Hall Ave SW, Richmond, MN 56368.

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2024 SRCL Admin 2024 SRCL Admin

Notice of Public Meeting

Public Meeting regarding new County Park.

The Stearns County Park Department is holding a public input meeting regarding the new park south of Cold Spring.

Chain of Lakes County Park is located at 16163 County Road 49, in Cold Spring, MN 56320.

The Park Department is currently working on a management plan for the property and will gather feedback from the public at this meeting.

Topics of discussion will include potential amenities and limited hunting area. The SRCLA letter of support highlighting the Association's interest can be found here.

Here is the official meeting notice:


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