Spring assessment results: Joe Stewig, DNR Fisheries Manager

Data and comments from Joe Stewig, DNR Fisheries Manager, for fish counts completed on the Sauk River chain so far this spring and summer.  To view the file with charts click here.

  • The main purpose of the spring trapping was to see if any Musky remain in the chain. This is the first time the DNR has ever used large frame trap nets in the SRCL, so we really don’t have anything to compare it to.

  • We did measure crappies and sunfish, but with the weather the way it was the larger sunfish had not moved in. It was a cool week, and the fish were not really moving around a great deal during the weeks the traps were in place. Only 3 musky were caught, with sizes from 38-44.5 inches in length!

  • While we didn’t measure any catfish, but we did learn that the large frame trapnets are very effective at sampling large catfish! The biggest one we measured was 34-inches and 16 ½ pounds.

  • Gill net surveys of the chain were completed July 29 – August 2, with 12 gill nets being set across the East Lakes (Bolfing, Great Northern, Knaus, Krays, Schneider, and Zumwalde-two in each lake). Two gill nets will also be set in Becker Lake. Cedar Island will be surveyed the week of August 12 – 16 (12 gill nets) and Horseshoe will be surveyed the week of August 19 – 23 (9 gill nets). We will use this data to see how the walleye population is doing as well as the catfish.

**IMPORTANT NOTE: The experimental channel catfish regulation currently on the chain as well as Long, North Brown’s, Eden, and Mud/Vail’s lakes will be up for review this fall.

Channel Catfish: The current Possession limit is 10 of which only one fish over 24" is allowed in possession. This limit is being considered to decrease back to state possession limit of five.

Interested parties can make comments on the regulation here (FAW Public Input | Engage with DNR | Minnesota Department of Natural Resources or attend the public input meeting which will be held Tuesday September 10 from 6 pm – 7 pm at the Richmond City Hall, 45 Hall Ave SW, Richmond, MN 56368.


Notice of Public Meeting


Notice of Public Meeting