Cold Spring Property Acquisition Update

The SRCLA Board is sharing this press release from Stearn County Parks as part of the our mission to keep our members informed on matters of interest to the Chain. Here is a link to the Press Release online.

The Stearns County Board of Commissioners approved entering into a donation agreement with Pheasants Forever at the County Board meeting held on October 24, 2023.

The purpose of the agreement is to formalize the donation and conveyance of the Cold Spring property from Pheasants Forever to Stearns County.

It also directs the County and Pheasants Forever to enter into a restoration and development agreement as Pheasants Forever has funds to complete upland and wetland restorations and some additional funds to assist with minor development activities, such as a small parking lot and possibly the removal of a silo. 

Pheasants Forever has approved and signed the donation agreement.

Pheasants Forever anticipates closing on the property in the middle to end of November and the County anticipates the land donation to occur before the end of this year.

The Parks Department is working on the property management plan and will have a draft available for comment in late winter/early spring 2024.

The County Board, at their January 17, 2023, meeting "Authorize County Staff to continue working with Pheasants Forever to complete the Cold Spring property acquisition and approved the use of $333,450.98 out of the General Fund's fund balance, left over from CARES funding, to assist with the acquisition."


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